Moving safely thanks to these five tips

Who wouldn’t want to be able to move into their new place as soon as possible? However, it’s important to take your time with an important job such as a removal. That’s because the risks shouldn’t be underestimated: materials that can be damaged along the way, while lifts and stairs can cause bruises, fractures or worse… So moving safely always starts with identifying the potential risks, and then reducing them as much as possible. For example, using these five tips!

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A realistic schedule

Rushing a move? Never a good idea: it only increases the risk of material damage, or, even worse, bodily injury, and it’s also likely to stress you out. For this reason, make a realistic schedule, by first meticulously mapping everything out: which items all need to be moved? Who can you count on to come and help, and when? Do you need a removal lift, and if so, when? What permits do you need to apply for to occupy public space? Based on the answers to those questions, you’ll be able to plan your move realistically and feasibly through an action plan. And by the way, don’t forget to check the weather on the day of your move. Is a lot of rain forecast? Then you might have to cancel that planned removal lift or delay it to a later date.

The right protective material

If you realise at the time of the move that you don’t have enough moving boxes, bubble wrap, adhesive tape, newspapers or anything else, then it’s already way too late. Make sure you have all the necessary protective materials, and also try to pack as much as possible beforehand. By protective material, we also mean anything that protects those helping out, such as work gloves (for summer or winter), safety shoes, safety glasses when moving glass, or extra thick jumpers for when objects with sharp corners or edges need to be moved. For this, you can also use corner protectors.

Working responsibly and ergonomically

A lot of belongings, especially furniture, can be incredibly heavy. Don’t try to be the hero by lugging something with the two of you when it’s really a four-man job. Again, the principle of ‘slow but steady’ applies. Also, try to work as ergonomically as possible: don’t bend down to lift something off the floor, for example, but bend your knees and keep a straight back. Or: hold heavy objects close to your body to keep your balance.

A specific insurance

Never move without proper insurance, as some damage is pretty much inevitable. With contents insurance, you cover all possible damages during the move. What’s more: that insurance also covers theft, useful considering moving equals lots of open doors and windows, temporary absence from the home, and chaos. Someone with bad intentions then often has the opportunity to steal valuable items. Note that not every contents insurance policy covers theft, so be sure to check!

Professional movers

Perhaps the best safety tip when moving is to hire professional movers: after all, if anyone knows the risks and how to avoid or at least minimise them, it’s a professional moving company. In that case, Dockx Movers is the obvious company to turn to, as the movers receive permanent internal and external training throughout the year. It covers aspects such as how to correctly dismantle furniture and put it back together again, or how to professionally set up and operate a removal lift. It means you’re assured of more than enough skills and experience!